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Manage Newsletters  

Newsletters are managed from the "Newsletters" tab of the Manage Showcase administration page.

From here you can add a newsletter or manage an existing newsletter:

Add a Newsletter

Method One

  1. Click on the "Add Newsletter" link at the top of the tab to start the Add Newsletter wizard.
  2. Put in the headline (title of newsletter), chose a header and footer image and add a disclaimer for the bottom of the newsletter. Click the Hide Newsletter box if you don't want the newsletter to be visible immediately. Click Next to continue.
Method Two

  1. From the list of Saved Newsletters click on the "Make a copy" link of the newsletter you wish to copy.  The "Hide Newsletter" checkbox is automatically chosen when you copy an existing newsletter. The headline has the word "COPY" added to the copied headline

Manage a Newsletter

Edit A Newsletter

You can edit a newsletter by clicking on the "Edit" link of the newsletter you wish to edit in the "Saved Newsletters" or continue to edit after having added a new newsletter. 

The "Template & Settings" tab contain the information headline, header and footer images, the disclaimer and the "Hide Newsletter" option.

The "Newsletter Content" tab contains all the newsletter items. You can add new items by putting in a headline, author, description (content) and an image and then clicking the Add button. You can also edit or delete existing newsletter items. You can also change the order that the newsletter items appear in the newsletter. You need to "Save Changes" after any change of existing newsletter items.

Ads Tab

The "Ads" tab of the newsletter lists advertisements that are sent with the newsletter. Each ad has an image, a caption and a URL for it to link to. There is also a "Notes" field which you can use for information about the ad that does not get sent with the newsletter. For example, this information might be how much the advertiser is paying for the ad or when it expires.

You can add, edit, delete and change the order of ads similarly as you do with newsletter items.

Send Tab

The "Send" tab allows you to "Send newsletter to all watchers" or to "Send newsletter to me as a test". The first sends the newsletter by email to all your watchers. The second sends the newsletter to yourself so that you can check the formatting and content.

Preview Tab

The "Preview" tab allows you to see the showcase without sending it by email.

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